Care Bears 5in Inflatable Balls (100 pcs.)


Introducing Care Bears 5in Inflatable Balls with Ear Handles, sold by the case (100pcs). With 6 different designs featuring popular bears like Cheer Bear and Funshine Bear, they’re perfect for parties, redemption bins, and cranes! Kids and nostalgic fans will adore these colorful balls with unique face designs. Cute, innovative, and requires inflation for playtime fun!

Care Bears 5in Inflatable with Ear Balls (100 pcs.)
Care Bears 5in Inflatable Balls (100 pcs.) $75.00
Care Bears 5in Inflatable with Ear Balls (100 pcs.)
Care Bears 5in Inflatable Balls (100 pcs.)
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  • Item Code:CBR2B
  • Barcode:CBR2B
  • Sold by case
  • 100 balls per case
  • 6 different designs
  • Great for redemption bins & cranes!
  • Requires inflation
  • Excited for more Care Bears magic? Dive into our complete collection.

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